Student-Driven Solutions: iPad Recording Booth Design, Engineering, SciencePanaDecember 18, 2017Design Thinking, seesaw, STEAMComment
Animals and Habitats: 5 Lessons Integrating Technology and Robotics Coding & Robotics, Engineering, Inquiry, Science, STEAM, TechnologyPanaJune 2, 2015Comment
Integrating Lego WeDo with Balance and Motion Coding & Robotics, Engineering, SciencePanaMarch 2, 2015Comment
A First Try at Green Screen Engineering, Science, TechnologyPanaJanuary 25, 2015DoInk, engineering, green screenComment
Aurasma and ChatterPix: A fun way to bring photos to life with augmented reality! Science, TechnologyPanaNovember 30, 2013AR, Augmented Reality, Aurasma, Chatterpix, Investigation, Paper, Science Comments
Trees Around the World Global connections, Inquiry, Science, TwitterPanaNovember 19, 2013global education, inquiry, trees, twitterComment