
Working to bring early childhood education into the future

Scroll down to learn more about me
and projects I'm currently working on.


Digitally Smart from the Start

I am an early childhood educator who believes that even our youngest students should be provided with learning experiences that reflect how we live, play, and think in our digitally rich world.


Developing Multimodal Literacies

Communication in today’s world is no longer limited to text on a page. This means that our students need to be prepared to share ideas using a variety of tools and modalities. I believe that the building blocks of these literacies can be laid from the very start.


Building Fluency Across Tools

Being able to communicate in complex ways also means developing fluency across tools and platforms we may use. Explore how I work daily to begin helping young students develop skills for independence in our digital world. 



Bringing educators together 

Teaching in the digital era means that we are no longer isolated in our own classrooms and schools! The Early Years Exchange (E.Y.E) was an online early childhood conference hosted during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was built to bring together educators from across the globe who are passionate about early childhood education.


Collaborations and Communities

I care about opportunities to collaborate with committed early childhood educators to build an environment where our students grow as passion-seekers and problem-solvers, ready for the future.


Speaking Events & Workshops

Take a look at some of the conferences I have spoken at or workshops that I will be running in the future.

Early Years Exchange (EYE)

The Early Years Exchange (EYE) is a virtual conference hosted by Taipei American School which began in 2021. The goal of this conference is to bring early educators together from around the world and give them a chance to learn with and from each other.


Digital Collaborations

Click on the button below to learn more about my work with professional communities such as Eduro and podcast appearances.

Association for the Advancement of Instructional Coaching in International Schools (AAICIS)

I am a founding member and Communications Team Leader for AAICIS, a new non-profit organization focused specifically on Instructional coaching in International Schools. To learn more click below.


Traveling Teddy

The Traveling Teddy Bears Project was started in 2014 with the goal of connecting young children in classrooms across the globe. Each bear supported one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to help spread awareness in schools around the globe!

Due to COVID-19 the Traveling Teddy Project has taken a break.




Hi! I'm Pana, an early childhood educator, instructional coach, and technology leader passionate about fostering collaboration, innovation, and belonging in schools. My journey began in the classroom, where I spent seven years teaching young learners before stepping into my role as a Technology and Design Coach. Over time, my passion for instructional leadership has grown, leading me to work closely with educators, administrators, and school communities to develop coaching cultures, curriculum innovation, and inclusive learning environments. I believe that strong relationships, shared professional growth, and student-centered approaches are the foundation of a thriving school.

Throughout my career, I have been honored to receive recognitions such as Apple Distinguished Educator (Class of 2015), Book Creator and Seesaw Ambassador, and the 2018 ISTE Kay L. Bitter Award for excellence in early childhood technology integration. My work focuses on empowering educators and students alike, ensuring that learning is developmentally appropriate, engaging, and future-focused.

As a visual learner, I love organizing ideas in interactive ways. Click on the image below to explore my journey through a mindmap and learn more about my experiences, passions, and projects!



Here are some of the great places I have had the pleasure of working at.
To see my full CV click on the button below.



Taipei American School

STEAM and Technology Integration Leader

  • Lead STEAM curriculum development and integration for PreK-1, impacting 270 students.

  • Collaborate with 16 homeroom teachers to create authentic STEAM curriculum applications.

  • Vertically align digital skills, literacy, and citizenship using ISTE standards.

  • Coach 16 homeroom and 23 specialist teachers on technology integration and goal-setting.

  • Collaborate with two Technology & Design Coaches, two Literacy Coordinators, and one Math Coordinator to identify integration opportunities.

  • Redesign and evolve the STEAM program with the opening of a new STEAM learning space (Tech Cube), ensuring the physical environment is flexible and inclusive for young learners.

  • Collaborate with Lower School Administration on a student-centered coaching model and integrated technology approach.

  • Manage the Lower School STEAM and Technology budget, supporting 905 students.

Parent and Community Engagement

  • Co-present annual parent sessions with counselors, guiding 40–50 families on balanced technology use for young children.

  • Conduct regular digital resource professional development accessible to 160 Lower School faculty and staff.

  • Plan and host an annual two-day family STEAM event with over 320 families.

Leadership in Curriculum and Schoolwide Initiatives

  • Member of the K–12 Social Studies Curriculum Review Team, resulting in the creation of a schoolwide Social Studies philosophy, essential agreements, and standards.

  • Co-lead the Lower School Social Studies Committee, redeveloping Social Studies units to reflect new standards, philosophy, and essential agreements.

  • Led a K–12 Building a Culture of Coaching Task Force, facilitating a group of 20 faculty and leadership team members to co-develop a K–12 coaching vision and conduct a comprehensive assessment of existing structures and needs.

  • Member of the schoolwide DEIJ Committee, supporting the integration of Learning for Justice Standards into the curriculum and the hiring of a new Director of Belonging and Social Impact.

  • Member of the Assessment Policy Review Team, collaborating to revise the school's assessment policy to reflect strong assessment practices and align with schoolwide beliefs.

  • WASC Focus Group Chair (2023–24), leading 18 teachers across divisions in evidence collection for “Category A3. School Leadership,” influencing the revision of the schoolwide strategic plan.

  • Member of WASC Self-Study Visitation Team (2025) for Keerapat International School in Bangkok; responsible for leading focus groups and report writing for Category D.

  • Member of the WASC Initial Visitation Team (2024) for TutorABC, an online English and Mandarin language program serving over 43,000 students globally; wrote half of the report for Categories A and C.

  • Member of the nine-member Faculty Advisory Committee for the 2023 Head of School Search, participating in the interview process for the three finalist candidates.

  • Member of the K–12 Professional Growth and Evaluation Task Forces, collaborating with James Stronge to develop professional growth systems.

Conference Leadership

  • Founder and Executive Director of the Early Years Exchange (EYE), with 130 participants from 26 schools in 10 countries.

  • Member of the EduLead Organizing Committee, planning for 200 participants.




Taipei American School

  • Implemented TCRWP, Words Their Way, Handwriting Without Tears, FOSS Science, and Math Connects.

  • Maintained class and student blogs.

  • Collaborated on unit development across all curricular areas, including Engineering.



ISS International School

  • Member ofthe Math, I.T., and Program of Inquiry Committees

  • Collaborated on the development ofthe early years curriculum for Literacy, Math, and the Program of Inquiry

  • Maintained a class blog



Victoria Shanghai Academy

  • Year 1 Math coordinator

  • Planned and taught English Reading and Writing

  • Collaborated with a Chinese teaching partner on implementation of Math and Program of Inquiry

  • Collaborated with Math Coordinators on curriculum implementation, assessment, and integration into Units of Inquiry



Victoria Educational Organisation

  • Planned and taughttwo half-day bilingual classes

  • Collaborated with two different Chinese teaching partners to execute the Program of Inquiry

  • Aided in running a Jolly Phonics workshop for parents


Contact Me

Feel free to contact me using a form below.